Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Is that even a word?  Can I use it for a blog post title?  I think I have mental constipation (sorry if that brings about an icky image).  I had all these things I wanted to share here, but no time to write.  Now I have a few moments but can't remember any of the things I wanted to say.

I'm terribly frustrated-more so than usual.  I keep trying to carve out a little time for me, so I can improve and feel refreshed and stop being a tired grump all the time.  It doesn't seem to matter what I try, nothing has worked so far. 

In April I learned of a "Mom Telesummit" full of speakers and topics that interested me, all online.  I signed up and even paid the $39.95 to have access to the MP3 recordings and PDF files of each class.  I think there were 10 during one specific week.  It's now July, a full three months later and I have listened to one whole class.  Yes, just one.  My son went to VBS for a week and I scheduled 3 or 4 for that week.  Didn't get to listen to a single one.  He went to my parent's house for a week-same thing.  My husband promised to give me two hours "off" every Friday and that hasn't happened yet.  The one I've watched I just put Goober Gus in front of the TV with a movie and "took" my class.

When reality that my husband was not likely to follow through with his support plan, I decided I'd pay someone to watch him for a few hours each week (my son that is, not my husband-ha ha) but since we're leaving in a few days for vacation, I haven't started that yet.

This morning we came to the library for their weekly children's program and it occurred to me that since he likes to play the computer games here, and there's free wi-fi, I could bring my laptop and headphones and listen to a class while he plays.  I was super excited!  Then another family came in and it got noisy.  What happened to the days of whispering in a library?  My son will sit quietly playing the game until another child comes in, then he's just as noisy, if not more so, than the others.  I couldn't hear my class-they were so noisy they overrode the sound going directly to my ears.  It was mostly the other 3 kids, but I did get up and tell my son that if he didn't start whispering we'd leave.  I'm happy to report that he started whispering.  Not that it helped, the other kids ignored the instruction that their mom finally gave to be quiet.  I realized that I had listened to 20 minutes of the class and had no idea what she said.  In frustration I turned it off and decided to do something where sound isn't an issue.

So my question is, how do you get a little quiet time at your house?  If you're an early riser, I'm jealous.  I've tried that route and it doesn't work.  I'm either in a fog for the entire day and worse off than usual, or darling son wakes up hours earlier than he usually does and there goes quiet time.

Vent over, advice greatly desired!


  1. Gosh girl I hope you find some time to refresh soon! Sorry I have no helpful advice,my son is a "low maintenance"kid..he was always content to sit and play quietly as long as he could see me so I could always do just about anything I wanted.I bet the babysitter time will help when you get back from vacation!

  2. I'm kind of in the same boat of trying to find some "me" time. I'm just hanging on for summer to be over so I can maybe get us back on a real schedule. When my son stopped taking naps(my me time), I started quiet time, where he could watch a movie, or read books, or play quietly in his room. That's how I did it before. Now I've got three kids and life is nuts. It's almost 1:30 am! I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd catch up on blogs that I've been to dang busy to read lately. How's that for "me time"? I envy those that can get up in the mornings too. I'm trying, i really am. It's a goal of mine to actually get up before my kids make me get up. Good luck hon!

  3. Mine stopped napping at 3 and he's almost 5. I try the movie/quiet time and some days it works, some days it doesn't! I NEED a nap, so it can be quite frustrating.

    To add to all the frustration going on, my husband agreed to watch a couple of our son's friends this morning and one might be sick! The day before we leave for vacation! She threw up just a bit ago and has a headache. I will be LIVID if our son gets sick while we're gone.

  4. I guess I am one of the lucky ones, as my favorite time of the day is around 6am. I like to get up really early, sometimes around 5:30 or so-my body is just so used to it that i don't even use an alarm clock. My chores get done, i may make coffee, I watch the news, I get my clothes ready, I may make muffins-all before I wake anyone else up. The rest of my crew are night owls, so i leave the evening chores to them.
