They encounter plenty of imagined scary scenarios and manage to tough it out despite their fears. When their supply of bravery seems exhausted and they've agreed to try again another night they realize that the sun is about to rise and they made it! They camped outside all night by themselves!
The story presents multiple opportunities for teaching and discussing important character traits with a young child, such as the difference between bravery and courage; and what it takes to be a good friend. As the friends focus on staying out all night, they encounter all kinds of wild African beasts in their backyard. They also share a story about wanting to make pancakes and having to borrow all the ingredients. I'm assuming that's where Mount Sillymanborrow comes into play.
My son loves the book, the pictures are very well done, and there are discussion points and a Bible verse a the end. We've enjoyed this book-it's good when those required to read it over and over can enjoy it too!
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.